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Dragon Ball Unreal Game

Dragon Ball Unreal – Open World Dragon Ball Z Game

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Have you already heard about Dragon Ball Unreal?

Dragon Ball Unreal or DBU is a 3D game created by Emudking, a.k.a Emudshit, single-handedly. The game developer is a hard-core Dragon Ball fan and a Youtuber. This is only a fan-made game initially announced on July 13, 2015. There has been a public demo released and is the game development is still in progress.

This game, developed via Unreal Engine 4, is available on both PC and mobile devices. The most recent public demo has been available since March 2019.

Dragon Ball Unreal - Open World Dragon Ball Z Game

Currently, there is a version available for android .apk file for both the PC and Android versions of Dragon Ball Unreal.


  1. Goto the download link that I have given below
  2. You will be routed to an encrypted site. Wait 5 seconds and do not click anything for the notification popup.
  3. Click “Click Here to Continue” and then wait until you get redirected to the MediaFire site.
  4. Once downloaded, Extract the file using a .zip extractor.
  5. Click the file. Go to WindownsNoEditor > DBUNREAL.exe.
  6. Double click and install. Start the game by selecting your stage and character. Enjoy.


1. Unzip the file using any extractor tool.

2. Access the main folder

3. Run MYDEMO.exe.

Dragon Ball Unreal Game Characters

There are already numerous Dragon Ball fans that heard about Dragon Ball Unreal. On this note, some gamers have already tried the game, and here are some verified playable characters:

  • Goku (Ultra Instinct, SSJ Blue, SSJ1, SSJ God, SSJ3 SSJ4)
  • Vegeta (SSJ Blue, SSJ, SSJ4)
  • Gogeta SSJ4 (Goku and Vegeta fusion)
  • Goku Black
  • Cell
  • Broly
  • Beerus
  • Hit
  • Golden Oozaru
Dragon Ball Unreal For Android Download

Dragon Ball Unreal on Android, IOS

Dragon Ball Unreal is available on Android devices only as of date. No version for IOS has been publicly announced yet. It works best on mobile phones with Snapdragon CPU. The mobile game features character customization, transformations, movement, and combat system.

The Antarctic and King Kai’s Planet are the only maps available to explore in the mobile build.

Note that in this game, the higher the transformation you are in, the faster your character moves.

Dragon Ball Unreal on Desktop PC

For those wanting to play this game using their PC, the best minimum specification is to be at least or better than i5 2400 or i3 2120. This, along with a 4GB-RAM R9 270X, is needed for smoother frames, especially when it is played using the map, Grand Canyon.

Dragon Ball Unreal Gameplay

This fan-game sparked the interest of many Dragon Ball fans. Some YouTubers like AtlasZero already featured the game on their channel.

The initial demo release showcased a movement and customization system. The first-ever multiplayer demo with a functioning combat system was released in April 2018. But that was exclusive for Emud’s Patreons only.

Unlike the usual Dragon Ball games already in the market, Dragon Ball Unreal presents bigger maps. The beauty of this game primarily lies in its hyper-realistic 3D graphics, especially during fight scenes. For now, basically, characters are only skins, and the move set is the same for each of them.

In the game, you need to charge your stamina or chi. Also, note that there is no enemy lock during combat mode.

A recent announcement says that Emud is starting to work on adding multiplayer mode. There are still developments and updates coming your way, so stay tuned! for more Dragon Ball Z Games keep visiting my website.e

Unreal Engine Dragon Ball Game

Mobile Game Specifications:

  • • Name – DBUreal-arm64-es2
  • • Size – 1.37GB
  • • Android 7.1.1 and higher support
  • • 4GB RAM base minimum or more to Play.
  • • 8-512GB Internal Storage or more.
  • • 3000+MAH battery or more. (RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED)


• Exynos devices are not supported only Snapdragon 820+ & Higher.

PC Specs Needed:

  • Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64bit)
  • Processor- Quad-Core 2.0GHz (4th Gen Intel/ R3 Ryzen)
  • 6GB+ System RAM
  • 5GB free HDD Space (More Is Better)
  • GTX 645/R3 230
  • Direct X 9.0C Compliant Video Card With 1250 MB of RAM

[su_button id=”download” url=”” target=”blank” style=”3d” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes”]Click Here To Download Dragon Ball Unreal For Android APK & PC Version[/su_button]

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